Protect Your Personal Information: When a lender pulls a consumer’s credit, the Credit Bureau can sell the personal information to other lenders. Consumers who haven’t opted out may receive unwanted solicitations. Visit to easily opt-out prior to submitting a loan application. Our Company does not engage in the selling of information.
Born in Franklin, Virginia, Paul currently resides in Windsor. He graduated from Southampton High School and Virginia Tech. Married to Julie, he has 3 children named Stephen, Kenneth, and Laura. In his spare time, Paul enjoys watching football and basketball (rooting for the Hokies!), gaming, and reading.
The homebuying process can be overwhelming. Our blogs offer a bite-sized approach at educating you through the homebuying and refinancing process.
Purchasing a home is a significant investment. Our easy-to-use mortgage calculators allow you to estimate your mortgage payment so you stay comfortably within your budget.
The availability of multiple loan programs gives you a wider selection of options to consider helping you to discover the loan program that is most appropriate for your financial situation and lifestyle preferences.
As your local lending partner, we make it our mission to exceed your expectations not just during the mortgage process, but also before and after it, ensuring that you have a satisfying and stress-free experience.
When a lender pulls a consumer’s credit, the Credit Bureau can sell the personal information to other lenders. Consumers who haven’t opted out may receive unwanted solicitations. Visit to easily opt-out prior to submitting a loan application. Our Company does not engage in the selling of information.
Your local lending partner, our team strives to exceed your expectations before, during and after the mortgage process.
Reach out to our team of local mortgage specialists and take the initial step towards homeownership. Our team is ready to assist you throughout the process, offering you the necessary information and guidance to help you make informed decisions for your unique needs. Don't delay any longer - apply today to begin.